Monday, June 16, 2008

The Daughter of the son of my sister

I'm the last one of my family . So the son of my sister is bigger than me (about 7years) . He was married . Today Allah bless him a cute daughter n_n I'm her uncle and her father's uncle , too .
CONGRATULATIONS to my nephew !

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Study Life

لا يمكن عرض الصّورة

Hello , peace be upon you " aslam alaycom in Arabic "

I was a child when I went to my first school in the first year , I remember that sweet days , I was afraid from my teacher ><" He's like a monster :P , so I told my father to stay with me in class ^^" my father was a teacher in my school in that days u_u and I was a son of teacher I lived like a prince :P . year after year and nowadays it's the 12th year and the final year in my school life , I've just 2 weeks to finish all my school life days .

In fact study in school is nice but the bad point in it is you have some subjects you don't like to study it but you're compelled to study it xD . I believe in this sentence " The great teacher who can compelled his students to love his subject " in all my studying days I don't like Math or it's a normal subject . in this year , my math teacher is a great teacher and he love the math and love to teach it n_n . when the math class begin after some minutes it's finish ! because I don't feeling about the time :P . the most beautiful section in math is Calculus we study a few and simple things about it . I love it so much n_n I was done 500 problems in it . so thanks my teacher .

After a few days the Exams will begin ! I love this days , it's like a war with my books =) , I don't like cheating when I was study hard in my home but if I forget some informations it's not bad to request help from my friends ^^" . I don't like to study the Arabic and religion subjects ! because I'm in the science distribution ! " It's easy to get the full mark in these subjects " that was the Arabic teacher said for me .

There is a one thing ingather all these thing and it's the close . the graduation from school . I see , who study hard and care for about his subject and teachers who feeling about the graduation .

Finally , thanks my father and mother to all your toil for me , thanks my teachers And thanks for your reading .

See you after the exams ,
Abdullah .