Friday, January 23, 2009

I'll be a musician !

I think , no one can feel about a beautiful and exciting life without a hobby or something intersting in his life. so , after i joind KFUPM  when i finished studying and my homeworks I was getting bored ... nothing to do , just visiting websites and watching some videos in youtube . If i continue like that . I'll spend all my leisure . 

I interested about graphics design but right now , i don't have that computer which has an ability to design on . actully , i dont have a new ideas too :D . so , I thought about photography but I don't have a professional camera and it's very expensive . If i want to be a photographer that's need a lot of things . so , i canceled this idea .

 My brother studied a little about music , so he had a keyboard . I was playing in his keyboard by a very noisy and crazy music :D ! Before a week , I searched in youtube about   keyboard tutorials . I found  basic and easy tutorials ( Mr Music Canada ) . I opened a random video , it was the godfather . I learned the first part . after that, I went to another tutorial  and learned a part  . so , i chose ( listen to your heart ) to be my first music u. u . it's a beautiful one .  I was learning it about 2 day , on that week end . thanks for god . i learned it . i saw , i had that ability to learn the music .

Yesterday , i opened a channel in youtube ( Piavdul ) to communicate with my teachers and the musician guys . And this is my first video ... [ Listen to your heart ] . It has a lot of mistakes , and it's a little speed :D but i still a beginner !!! Finally ,  I hope to be a great piano player .

Thank you for reading , i hope you enjoyed 
Best wishes .

1 comment:

~RainDrops said...

You play pretty good for a newbie!
Musician's rock! /m/